Hyperspin Arcade System roms PopCap Hammer Heads Deluxe sounds

Aviator - Engine L2R.ogg
Aviator - Engine R2L.ogg
Aviator - Hit.ogg
Bomb Face - Explosion.ogg
Bomb Face - Fuse.ogg
Bouncing Jester - Bounce.ogg
Bucket Gnome - Putting On.ogg
Bucket Gnome - Removing.ogg
Coin - Single Appear.ogg
Coin - Single Picked.ogg
Coin - Three Appear.ogg
Coin - Three Picked.ogg
Crowd Applause 01.ogg
Crowd Applause 02.ogg
Crowd Applause 03.ogg
Crowd Applause 04.ogg
Cupido - Magic.ogg
Flag Mole - Picked and Moving.ogg
Flag Mole - Waving.ogg
Gnome King - Droning.ogg
Gnome King - Flashing.ogg
Hammer - Boing.ogg
Hammer - Hat.ogg
Hammer - Metal1.ogg
Hammer - Miss.ogg
Hammer - Plastic.ogg
Hammer - Plop 2.ogg
Hammer - Rock.ogg
Hammer - Wood.ogg
Hammer - Wood2.ogg
Hammer - Woosh Fast.wav
Hammer - Woosh.wav
Heart - Appear.ogg
Heart - Picked.ogg
Hint Popup 01.ogg
Inflating Head - Deflate.ogg
Inflating Head - Inflate.ogg
Inflating Head - Pop.ogg
Iron Gnome - Strike 0.ogg
Iron Gnome - Strike 1.ogg
Iron Gnome - Strike 2.ogg
Iron Gnome - Strike 3.ogg
Iron Gnome - Strike 4.ogg
Iron Gnome - Strike 5.ogg
Lucky Clover - Picked and Activated.ogg
Misc - Camera Flash.ogg
Misc - Gnome Breaking 1.ogg
Misc - Gnome Breaking 2.ogg
Misc - Gnome Breaking 3.ogg
Misc - Gnome Breaking 4.ogg
Misc - Gnome Breaking 5.ogg
Misc - Gnome Breaking Big.ogg
Misc - Gnome Leaving.ogg
Misc - Ice Freeze.ogg
Misc - Ice Shatter 1.ogg
Misc - Ice Shatter 2.ogg
Misc - Ice Shatter 3.ogg
Misc - Neon Buzz.wav
Misc - Platform Appear 1.ogg
Misc - Platform Appear 2.ogg
Misc - Platform Appear 3.ogg
Misc - Platform Appear 4.ogg
Misc - Platform Appear 5.ogg
Misc - Platform Appear 6.ogg
Misc - Platform Appear 7.ogg
Misc - Platform Appear 8.ogg
Misc - Platform Appear 9.ogg
Misc - Platform Appear 10.ogg
Music - Bonus Game.ogg
Music - High Score.ogg
Music - In-Game.ogg
Music - Loading and Menu.ogg
Shop Mole - Writing.ogg
Sting - End Of Wave.ogg
Sting - Game Over.ogg
Sting - Game Won.ogg
Sting - Gnome King.ogg
Sting - Level Up.ogg
Sting - Medal Awarded.ogg
Treasure Chest - Opening.ogg
UI - Button Click.ogg
UI - Button Mouse Over.wav
UI - Check.ogg
UI - Click To Play.ogg
UI - Heart Lost.ogg
UI - Moving Dialog Woosh.ogg
UI - Speed Bonus 1.ogg
UI - Speed Bonus 2.ogg
UI - Speed Bonus 3.ogg
UI - Speed Bonus 4.ogg
UI - Speed Bonus 5.ogg
UI - Target Over Gnome.ogg
UI - Time Bonus.ogg
UI - Zoom Transition.ogg
Various - Duck Quack.ogg
Various - Icecream Gloop.ogg
Various - Squish Strawberry.ogg

Total: 3.98 MB (4,176,589 Bytes) in: 116 File(s)